Guys. I went a little crazy with the dramas this year. As in, massive overload. Particularly over the summer. It was kind of a rough year--I had a lot of health problems, and some work stress things, and life as a grad student overall means I spend a lot of my free time wanting to turn off and zone out, escaping into worlds that are completely different from mine.
In 2017, I escaped through kdramas.
But maybe it wasn't purely just needing to get shot of my day-to-day worries. This year's overarching thematic trend of 'screw the man' slotted nicely into the aftershocks of horror I (and the world) were experiencing after the American elections devolved into a nightmare (not to mention the rest of the chaos in the international political scene...). Maybe stories in which the corrupt powerful were repeatedly brought down by the desperate underdog helped me a heal a little. If these are the stories we're still telling, then there's hope for us, right?